Jammy jellyfish has a wide range of customization options. The desktop comes with both a dark and a light theme. The Appearance tab includes options for changing the colour style. A bright red dot no longer represents the window close button. Instead, Yaru uses subtle grey "backdots" behind all three window controls to mimic the look of libadwaita in vanilla GNOME 42.
Jammy Jellyfish uses GNOME 42 for shell and other libraries.This has a number of advantages, including a more streamlined user interface with smaller on-screen display notifications, snappy horizontal workspace transitions (and corresponding touchpad gestures), and improved multi-monitor support.
Ubuntu has improved to a better icons extension which make the icons look stunning.
Jammy Jellyfish manages workspaces horizontally rather than vertically. The workspace switcher can be accessed by pressing the super key once or by clicking the 'activities' label in the top left-hand corner.
App Launcher has a few other quality enhancements that make it look nice, such as the ability to rearrange the apps. Dock settings can be found in Settings > Appearance, where you can customise the dock to your liking.
Jammy Jelly comes with new power management features which includes three modes : power saver , performance and balanced.
The screenshot tool has been improved with lots of options which makes us easy to capture screens and save it.
Hope you found this useful !